Stay4all Foundation

Going on holiday is a highlight of the year for many families. The same goes for school camp; children look forward to it all year. But for families with money problems, these kinds of activities are not a given.

We started Stay4all in 2012 to allow children to join a school camp when their parents could not afford it. Since then, more than 1,800 children have gone on school camp with their classmates!

Since 2023, more than 10 years later, the Stay4all Foundation is official. Continued attention is needed for children growing up in poverty in the Netherlands, which is why we now also committed to families by offering them a short holiday at Stayokay.

Out and about with the whole class

Going on a school camp is super fun

Out together, the stories after a cool day in nature around the campfire. Unfortunately, not every parent is able to contribute financially and, as a result, some children are not able to come along. And we don't think that's okay.

That's why we have the Stay4all Foundation. From this fund, we pay for the stay of pupils whose parents cannot miss the money. We do this for all educational groups with children up to 18 years old, for both Dutch and Belgian schools. This way, the whole class can go on an adventure, just the way we like it.

Families at Stayokay

Enjoy a little carefree time together

Running through the dunes, exploring the city and climbing and clambering in the woods with your parents and sibling. Between busy daily life, it is important to unwind during the holidays and enjoy the moments together. Unfortunately, not all parents have enough money to go on holiday with their child(ren) and are therefore unable to make these worthwhile memories together.

The Stay4all Foundation made it possible that already more than 120 families living in poverty could still enjoy a carefree time during a short holiday in their own country.Will you be spending the night at Stayokay soon? Nice! Then help out by making a small contribution to the Stay4all Foundation when making your booking on